Wednesday, November 16, 2005
An innocent question
In his childhood, Husain (R.A) asked his father Ali (R.A.), "Do you love Allah?" He replied "Yes." Then he asked, "Do you love my maternal grandfather( i. e. Prophet [SAW])?" He again replied. "Yes." He then asked, "Do you love my mother( Fatimah[R.A.])?" Again, he replied, "Yes." Finally, he asked, "Do you love me?" And Ali (R.A.) replied, "Yes." Husain (R.A) innocently asked, "Dear father, how have you combined so many loves in one heart?" Ali (R.A) explained, "Son, your question is an excellent one. The love that I have for your maternal grandfather, for your mother, and for you is because Allah (SWT) has commaned all these loves. Hence, all these loves are in fact branches of love for Allah." Upon hearing this, Husain (R.A.) smiled understandingly.
~Extracted from Love for Allah
Such an innocent question, yet so much wisdom behind it. May Allah help us love only those, whom he has commanded us to love. This is a form of worship in itself.
posted by VeiledOne at 12:13 PM
this is so true, a innocent question can foreshadow such a deep meaning. The love for Allah (swt) is indeed branches of the love that flow from our mothers fathers grandfather etc. Inshallah dhikr of ALLAH and constant fear of Him will help our sole become purified and in constant love for those we are commanded to love, for the sake of Allah
---- ur loving 16 yr old cuz hahahah lol Zuha <3
walaikum asalaam warahmatullah,
I think you misunderstood or was that a typo?:
" The love for Allah (swt) is indeed branches of the love that flow from our mothers fathers grandfather etc"
It should be seen as the following: The love for your mother is a branch of your love for Allah. The love for your father is a branch of your love for Allah. Your love for your husband is a branch of your love for Allah. Same with grandfather and etc. Its not the other way around. Our love for them(only ppl who Allah has commaded us to love)are branches of our love for Allah(SWT). Maybe it was a typo. Just clarifying in case you misunderstood. The love for Allah(SWT) is the main thing and all the others are branches of the main tree. Remember, each branch is crucial for the well being of the tree. =)
Subhan'Allah..Something so simple can totally leave us pondering at times. It's just soo amazing how our love and devotion for Allah can be so strong that our love for our families and friends are seen as branches of our love for Allah(SWT). Can any kind of love be more pure than that?
Asalamualaikum warahmatullah...
MashaAllah this blog is an asset to blogistan...Masha'Allah..may Allah reward you and your loved ones to the Highest Degree insha'Allah.
Walaikumasalam warahmatullah
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